Heck the Balls and Christmas Folly…fa la la la la, la la la LAH!

Heck the Balls and Christmas Folly…fa la la la la, la la la LAH!

So if you’re anything like me you’ve got a few things to check off your list before the big guy arrives on the 25th and whether you’re a Christmas person or not there’s a certain whirl that comes this time of year. The kids get excited, the grandparents rev up, the rellies we see once a year appear and it’s easy to forget the simple things or a little harder to grab the few minutes you need to remain sane.

Recently I tried out checking in with myself and doing seven days of mindfulness where I took time to do some things I wouldn’t normally do. I woke up to take a glass of water, put my bare feet on the grass for a spell, took some time to rub some hand cream into my hands, observed insects and clouds I’d normally rush past, little easy things to keep me clear. (Try it out for yourself by following the seven days of mindfulness tips on my Facebook page here: HayleyBensemanNZ)

It’s easy to know what to do but to actually do it is something else. I have to say I did feel lighter and more present. The best part was it was all available to me at no cost other than a few minutes of my time each day. It really doesn’t take too long to benefit from these simple things.

One rather large thing has been on my mind though, my kids. They always are but at this time of year, it’s so easy to turn and focus on making the mula to fill the sacks and not actually spend the quality time with them. It’s a double-edged sword because we are doing it for them of course but at what cost really!

A while back I saw this crazy old road sign that read “All your kids want for dinner is you.” So this year I’m taking that mantra into the madness with me. The tinsel is fun, the pressies will come but I’ve only got these little people with me for a short time. I’m going to try and remember to make the most of it.

If you need a few pointers on how to look after your own Well-Being I’ve created a page on my website with books recommendations, blog posts, quotes and links to give you a nudge.  https://www.hayleybenseman.co.nz/well-being

It doesn’t matter what religion we are (or not) or practice we have, we can all focus on sharing the common threads of peace, caring for others, and kindness to one another.

Merry Christmas my friend! x



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