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This is

My Story

How it all began…

In 2009, I began a journey rooted in a simple but powerful desire: to care for my family’s skin with natural products. As a young mother of two, I found myself frustrated by the lack of quality, affordable skincare options. Determined to provide the best for my family, I started researching natural ingredients, experimenting in my kitchen, and creating skincare solutions that were safe and effective. What began as a small, personal endeavor quickly grew into a thriving business.

Balancing the demands of motherhood with the challenges of building a brand was no easy feat. My days were a whirlwind of caring for my children, managing household duties, and crafting skincare products whenever I could find a moment. Every weekend, I would pack up my creations and head to local markets, sharing my passion with others who, like me, sought natural alternatives. Over time, my products gained popularity, and soon they were stocked by retailers across New Zealand.

Yet, despite my success, I was grappling with an internal struggle—one that I could no longer ignore. In 2020, I faced the harsh reality of my alcoholism. On September 19th of that year, I made the life-changing decision to give up alcohol overnight. It was a pivotal moment, not only in my personal life but in my entire journey as a mother, wife, and entrepreneur.

The decision to quit drinking marked the beginning of a profound spiritual awakening. As I started to heal, I received an invitation that would change everything: I was invited to attend a Reiki attunement day. I accepted the invitation, and that experience opened the door to a new world of healing and self-discovery. It was as if a path had been laid out before me, one that I hadn’t even known existed.

Through this transformative period, life continued to evolve. We had now expanded at home to three children, along with two dogs and two cats, making our home even more lively and full of love.

Shortly after, I opened a clinic in Inglewood, right next to my skincare workshop. To my amazement, the clinic was fully booked for nearly two years straight. During this time, I continued to study and grow, delving into various healing modalities. I became a Reiki master and trained in advanced fascial release, scar release, curanderismo, shamanic practices, and sonic sound therapy. As I deepened my understanding of these practices, I realized that my journey wasn’t just about creating products—it was about integrating the spiritual with the physical, blending science with spirituality in a way that resonated deeply with me.

Navigating this new path wasn’t easy. I was still a mother and a wife, with all the responsibilities that those roles entail. Balancing my family life with my business and spiritual journey required immense dedication and sometimes difficult choices. I had to scale back my skincare range, letting go of half my products and releasing some of my retailers. But in doing so, I found clarity and purpose. I focused on creating products that were not just good for the skin but also infused with healing energy—products that reflected the deep transformation I was experiencing within myself.

Today, my skincare products are more than just natural remedies; they are a blend of science and spirituality, crafted with intention and infused with Reiki energy. Each product is created in a frequency-rich atmosphere, where I sing and channel positive energy into every batch. This isn’t just about skincare anymore; it’s about offering something deeper—a touch of healing in every jar, a connection to the energy that binds us all.

My clinic has also evolved. It’s no longer just a place where I offer healing sessions; it has become a sanctuary for other holistic practitioners. I’ve expanded the clinic to include more rooms, providing a space where new, blossoming healers can offer their services and grow their own practices. It brings me immense joy to see others step into their power, just as I have.

Looking back, my journey has been one of transformation—of finding myself amidst the chaos of motherhood, marriage, and running a business. It’s been a path of healing, not just for my clients and customers, but for myself and my family. I am proud of how far I’ve come and excited for the future, as I continue to blend the worlds of conscious skincare and holistic healing.

This is more than just a business—it’s a reflection of my soul’s journey, a testament to the power of transformation, and a reminder that we all deserve a little bit of good juju in our lives.

— Hayley Benseman