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A persons hands massaging the back of someone laying face down and topless


Come and ‘unwind’ with my holistic treatment utilising my four pillars of work –  physical | emotional | spiritual | mental.


Deep relaxation and healing for body and mind - This is my signature treatment


MFU is a gentle way of working the fascial system! Fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fibre, and muscle.

This technique involves gently connecting with the client’s body and their fascial matrix with specific handholds and supporting them in whatever changes they are ready to make – on a physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual level.

The Microfascial Unwinding approach and the techniques can promote healing for anyone who is:

  • experiencing physical & emotional trauma
  • living in a constant state of fight-or-flight
  • suffering from chronic stress, anxiety, panic attack, and fear
  • in a state of compromised health
  • can’t tolerate work on or through the skin
  • suffering from balance issues & vertigo
  • experiencing severe headaches & migraines
  • and for anyone who needs to relax and drop into their parasympathetic nervous system


MFR is a technique that does not use lotion or oil as the practitioner sinks into the client’s body with their hands and engages the fascia. This treatment is a ‘physical manipulation’ of the fascia tissue. Remember, fascia is a web-like structure that connects and compartmentalises muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, organs, and, well… almost everything in the body.

The slow movement stretches the fascia, releasing any restrictions or adhesions. The work is done from superficial to deep, first opening up the layers under the skin and then working into the deeper muscle layers.

As restrictions are released, the client will notice that the area is not as sensitive or painful and has more ease and range of movement. The ultimate sensation is the wave or ripple effect that can occur as the tissue unwinds.

In your session: I will be combining MFU & MFR techniques which offer an individualised package per client each time you come. In life, we flow through different ups and downs, and I find the combination of both practices works well to work with you as your needs change. You may need more MFR sometimes or more MFU. We will evaluate your needs each time you come and tailor the session to YOU! I also enjoy bringing in the Tibetan bowl for sound healing and incorporating essential oils for inhalation & healing. If you are open to energy healing, I am happy to bring this into the session. 

Your treatment options:

Includes: 30 min First overall health consultation, followed by an entire 1hr session on table. First-time client appointment.

Session costs: $150 | Book Here

Includes quick catch-up with 1 hr treatment on table.

Session costs: $120 Book Here

scar release fascial therapy


Experience the benefits of scar release with my holistic approach, which incorporates myofascial release therapy and other modalities. We CAN bring release to old scars!


Therapy to release tension in scar tissue, improve movement and reduce pain


Scar release fascia therapy is a form of manual therapy that aims to alleviate pain, discomfort, and restricted movement caused by scar tissue. The therapy utilizes various techniques to release adhesions and tension in the fascia, which is the connective tissue that surrounds muscles, tendons, and organs.

The therapist uses their hands to apply gentle pressure and stretching to the scar tissue in order to break down the fascial restrictions and improve the tissue’s pliability. This can help to reduce pain, increase range of motion, and improve overall function.

Additionally, scar release therapy aims to release any emotional or mental trauma that may be held within the cells, by using various techniques like Myofascial release, Micro fascial unwinding and other available modalities.

Scar tissue that is not fully broken down can spread and cause compensations in the body. Restrictions in movement can lead to overworked muscles, trapped nerves can restrict circulation, and so on. This is because the body is interconnected by a single sheet of connective tissue, called fascia, that wraps around the entire body and impacts all functions, from muscles and bones to organs, nerves, veins, and arteries.

No matter how new or old your scar, Scar Release Fascia Therapy can help. Even decades-old scars can be released.

I am passionate about releasing c-section and breast cancer/mastectomy scars to bring balance and flexibility back to the body’s structure. My techniques reduce pain and emotional trauma connected to the scars, and I have seen great improvement in tissue health and pliability in clients.

No scar is too old for treatment, but it’s best to wait a couple to a few months for new scars before starting therapy. Mainstream medicine may consider you healed after surgery, but I offer additional care to guide your scar’s safe remodeling.

If you have difficulty touching your scar, I can assist you in reconnecting with that part of your body. I use a holistic approach to scar healing and am excited to show you the positive results. If you are still under the care of a specialist team, please obtain clearance from your doctor before booking.

Your treatment options:

Includes: 30 min First overall health consultation, followed by an entire 1hr session on table. First-time client appointment.

Session costs: $150 | Book Here

Includes quick catch-up with 1 hr treatment on table.

Session costs: $110 Book Here



Healing with hands – hands-on, over the body, or by distance is used for physical, emotional, and mental illnesses with amazing results. The most beautiful form of alternative therapy is commonly known as energy healing. In the 1800s, a Japanese man named Mikao Usui headed a place of practice for this and called it Reiki – “rei” (universal) and “ki” (life energy).

In the session, you will lie on a massage-style table fully clothed – Hayley works hands-on and off the body.

Your options for healing:

Includes 30 min First overall health consultation, followed by a full 50min Intuitive led healing session which includes reiki – and anything that comes through. This could include chanting / singing / oracle cards / energy clearing / messages / guidance / light language affirmations and more. These are all guided intuitively, so no two sessions will be the same – anything you require, even if unawares, will come through.

Followed by a 10-minute follow-up chat.

Session costs: $150 Book Here

Includes: 20 min chat/meditation and then 40min complete intuitive led healing- this session is for clients who have already been in for a ‘first consultation & healing’.

40min full Intuitive led healing session includes reiki – and anything that comes through. This could include chanting / singing / energy clearing / messages / guidance / affirmations and more. These are all guided intuitively, so no two sessions will be the same – anything you require, even if unawares, will come through.

This session will be held in my treatment room upstairs.

  • Come with an open heart and be willing to accept what is offered. Do not come with expectations. You will have received what was always needed.

Session costs: $110 Book Here

Person holding a small Kawakawa branch near a window


Hayley is a qualified Reiki Practitioner (both Usui & Shamballa) / Aroma & sound scientist / intuitive channel & would love to share her gifts with you


Sacred womens space

A safe space to come for intimate, confidential conversations that bring healing



Pláticas are intimate, confidential conversations between a Curandera (healer) and their patient or student.
This traditional healing method combines spiritual counseling, coaching, and shamanic energy clearing to promote self-discovery and healing.
During a plática, I will assess your energy field and offer suggestions for personal empowerment tools, natural remedies / aromatherapy oils, or spiritual guidance.
The goal is to empower YOU to use your inner strengths and transform areas of imbalance into wholeness.

Your commitment to personal growth is crucial for the success of this healing journey. Allow me to create a safe and supportive environment for you as we work together to tap into the inner strength and potential within you. Remember to not lose hope, as there are always opportunities for progress and growth.

Your plática options:

Includes 60 min If you are in need of someone to listen, to be heard and to be seen, I invite you to schedule a plática, a confidential and intimate conversation, in my treatment room in Inglewood. This sacred space is dedicated to women and I would be honored to hold this space for you.

Session costs: $100 Book Here

Certified in Aroma Science | Micro Fascial Unwinding | Usui Reiki Master | Reiki Shamballa Level 1 Practitioner | Diploma Anatomy & Physiology | Shamanism | Curanderismo | Scars & Adhesions 101 | Myofascial Release Advanced | The Science of sonics and cymatics (sound healing) Advanced